Green Lentils

Information About Green Lentils...

Lentils have found a place in many kitchens. It is said that the homeland of lentils is Southeast Asia. Over time, it has begun to be grown in lands that adapt to itself. There are varieties of yellow, red, green and brown.

We have prepared this article to explain the health effect of the much loved green lentil, known as black lightning in Turkish cuisine. The benefits of green lentils, which you can consume with peace of mind in healthy eating habits and diet nutrition, and more are with you in this article. You will have many reasons to see green lentils in your kitchen.

Yeşil MercimekWhat Are the Benefits of Green Lentils?

  • Green lentils are a type of legumes rich in fiber. The effect of fibrous foods on health is the regular functioning of the intestinal system. When you consume green lentils, your intestines will become more active. As a result of this situation, problems such as constipation will disappear.
  • Green lentils are very effective in converting the sugar entering your body into energy. As a result of this metabolic activity, your blood sugar is balanced and your possibility of diabetes is eliminated. Green lentils have an important place in diabetes nutrition due to their low sugar content.
  • Like all legumes, green lentils play an important role in your heart health. It lowers high cholesterol and prevents atherosclerosis. It protects the vascular health and prevents the formation of fat in the veins.
  • Preferred for the energy it gives to the body, green lentils are an indispensable food for athletes and dieters. It provides regeneration of muscle cells and accelerates muscle formation in athletes.
  • Due to its high iron and magnesium ratio, it eliminates anemia problems. Green lentils, which are recommended for anemia patients to add to their meals; It is effective in the formation and health of red blood cells.
  • Green lentils are among the sources of B vitamins. Thanks to B vitamins, it protects the health of the nervous system. It also contributes to the healthier functioning of hormones.
  • It is effective in protecting skin and hair health in terms of nutritional value. It heals skin irritations and wounds in a short time. It makes your hair healthier and livelier.
  • Helping you lose weight during the diet is also among the benefits of green lentils.
  • When you feed children green lentil soup, you are giving them all the vitamins and minerals that support their development. The benefits of green lentil soup can be easily fed to babies and all children who switch to solid food. You can soak green lentils the night before to prevent gas in babies.
  • Expectant mothers should consume folic acid-based foods. Green lentils are also a food high in folate. It is preferred for the development of the baby in the mother's womb.

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Green Lentils Calories, Protein and Nutritional Value

Legumes, known for their high nutritional value, are used in almost every dish in the kitchen. Among these legumes, green lentil is a popular food that is preferred in terms of nutritional value.

  • The calorie amount of green lentil soup you consume in one meal is known as 161 kcal.
  • There are 34.79 grams of carbohydrates in a coffee cup of green lentils.
  • The amount of protein is 24.85 grams.
  • 0.87 grams of fat,
  • 24.69 grams of fiber,
  • 12.35 grams of sodium,
  • It contains 918.65 milligrams of potassium.
  • At the same time, 60.8 mg of calcium,
  • It contains 7.38 grams of iron.
  • It is also high in vitamins A, B and C.
  • The sugar rate of 100 grams of green lentils was determined as 1.8 grams.